Master class - Collaboration

Today we had Ann Noble and Anna Brown come in and speak to us about collaboration. Prior to the class we were given some readings around collaborative work and exercises

For me I found the Group Work reading really irritating to read I just found myself thinking why the fuck am I reading about somebody who is talking about doing statistics and financial reports as a group? What relevance does this have?
Super irked I stopped and contemplated not attending class.

The class itself was okay I think, Ann spoke a lot about authorship and participatory contribution and how that works within a collaborative space. It was especially interesting for me because her and Anna shared their relationship as Artist and Designer and I have always struggled with that - how that interaction works and the processes; are they separate or do they come together??? I'm still a little bit confused about it though, because I don't really understand how this collaboration works if its just one persons name on it.

Learning about the difference between authorship and participatory engagement was really interesting especially thinking of examples of my dad and uncles practice and their engagement with I guess facilitators and then other artists or craftsman.

I know that it is one thing to make something together with ideas and concepts developed together - I see that as a collaboration. But then a totally different thing when you are getting someone to make/design something specific for your project. I think Ann and Anna were presenting a class on collaboration on the latter and that was probably great and everything but still a little hard for me to grasp. 

It's an interesting relationship and something that I am curious to know more about as I progress in my practice.
In my mind and in my very small amount of experience, collaboration is stressful and very much not enjoyable. I also realise that I am a control freak because I can't have anyone do anything for me ever unless it's almost killing me to get it done. 

Afterwards Jaz and I were talking about the class and collaboration both feeling a little jaded and so I asked her if she has experience/seen any collaborative work that she thought was successful and said Aniwaniwa from Rachael Rakena and Brett Graham. I totally forgot about this work and agreed that it was quite a beautiful coming together. We had agreed that what was beautiful about it was the seamless quality of the work as a whole. No real pointers of where each of them began/stopped and I really enjoy that.
