Observation/colour study?

Since last year I've had this like intense love and fascination for the turning point/change in time/location of the sun and the beautiful colours we get to experience.

In the evenings I used to walk from Princess Bay round the esplanade to the beach house cafe and would try to catch the colours change from afternoon to evening. I still walk sometimes, though not nearly as regularly as I used to and certainly not enough for my body's liking. The few times I've gone out there recently it's been light enough for me to get some photos of the gradients. It's difficult for me to say what it is that draws me to gradients without just saying that they're cool or beautiful. I think it's something about the natural aspect to it that gets me. That time and space can create moments like these that are so aesthetically beautiful. I dunno, I reckon it's just wild that nature makes all these amazing things around us. Makes me feel both inspired and helpless that I'll never be able to attain or create things that are as beautiful as this.

I really enjoy creating subtle gradients with the colours I use and I think its because I don't particularly like drastic or huge contrasts in my work. I like the idea of fluidity and seamless transitions and try to incorporate that concept into my work?

I don't believe what I've said just then, but until I figure out what it is that I get from gradients it's staying. 

All photos courtesy of my shmancy iPhone
